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The Importance of SLEEP- LIFE THEORY 46

Writer's picture: Skyboy46Skyboy46

10 Steps on How to The Importance of SLEEP! (Why Does It Matter In The Theory Of Life? ) - LIFE THEORYbe Poor - Life Theory
The Importance of SLEEP! - LIFE THEORY

The Importance of SLEEP! (Why Does It Matter In The Theory Of Life? ) - LIFE THEORY 46

What is sleep? It is a condition of the body and mind that typically recurs for several hours every night. The nervous system is relatively inactive, the eyes closed, the postural muscles relaxed, and consciousness practically suspended. In other words. This is our recharging time. In this episode, we are talking about sleep, and Why It Matter In The Theory Of Life. Why am I tired and have no energy? The reasons for being tired all the time. Why is my energy so low? How to boost my energy?

Sleep! The mother of all success and the father of all failures.

Hello, and welcome to "Life Theory."

What do we mean by our opening line? Let us put it this way.

If you sleep less and allocate that time to work, you will surpass others. And, if you sleep more, other people will pass right through you.

But, there is one more thing to that.

Sleep less, and you will do less. Sleep more, and you will achieve more! Are you confused already? Lets us talk about sleep and its importance in our life.

First of all! What is sleep? It is a condition of the body and mind that typically recurs for several hours every night. The nervous system is relatively inactive, the eyes closed, the postural muscles relaxed, and consciousness practically suspended.

In other words. This is our recharging time. We need around 8 hours of sleep for about 16 hours of power on time.

It might not be ideal, but in the time we are living in, that is not going to change very much, and it is our job to do the best of it.

So, why does sleep matter so much for us? We are not going to talk about the scientific reasons, but sleep has a crucial role in our success in life. And you can use it to your advantage in different stages of your life.

In our early to mid-twenties, we didn't sleep at all. We worked 14 hours a day, went to University, then got an 8-hour-a-day job, more like 10 hours with the lunch break and commuting time, then we went home, worked for another 4 to 6 hours, cooked, cleaned, and with the remaining 4 to 5 hours. We recharged.

That worked for us so well that we were able to build a side hustle website. You can check it on MySkyPet dot com. Links are in the descriptions. We also published a small ebook on Amazon, made a couple of more online shops, went to a couple of courses, created some NFTs, learned about crypto, invested in crypto, and that changed everything in our mindset about what we can do in life. In one month, we did what we used to do in one year.

We were taught that if we could keep that pace for the next ten years, we would be where other people will need 1000 years to get. And, don't get us wrong. If we could, we were in the early twenties; We would trade sleep for work every hour of the day.

But, as it turns out, it was a good strategy for the short term but a terrible idea in the long run. We started to make mistakes after one of the 4-hour sleep quests. Then another, then we were tired, then our immune system got weaker then our body got weaker, and our health went out the window in just two years. We were so sucked up in the idea sleep less, and working more, that we got distracted from what is our Life Theory: Health and longevity.

This was when we started to listen to more podcasts by Tim Ferris, read more books, listen to Tony Robbins, Dr. David Sinclere, and all the guests on Health Theory with Tom Bilyeu.

As it turned out. Sleeping less and working more got us closer to success but further away from what makes us happy. Health and longevity. It was like getting a new Ferrari every week, but without any gas to even start the engine.

From that point on, we changed everything. We didn't set the alarm for almost one year, we went too bad at around 9 or 10 pm, and it worked like magic. Our health got better. Our work got better. Our happiness got higher.

What we wanted to share in this episode is that you have to find the rhythm of a sleep cycle and how it works for you.

And just to get something off the table. We used to work on 24/7 rotating shifts for a long period of our lives, and we still managed to make sleep work for us.

You might be working an office job from 9 to 5. You might be a warehouse worker on three shifts or holding a camera for 14-hour long shooting days. You might have kids and a dog to walk. You can still manage sleep to work to your advantage.

Humans didn't usually sleep all night. They would wake up in the middle of the dark, connect, and ensure they could survive and that a predator wouldn't kill them in their sleep. We can adapt to our own sleeping patterns as long as they are consistent. And, yes, staying up all night every day of the week is likely to shorten your lifespan by up to 12 years, but we don't say we don't sleep during the night. We say it is ok to go to bed and 9, wake up at 3 in the morning, and do work at 4, then sleep for 2 hours after work. That is adapting time and sleep to your advantage.

Just like everything else in life, you can and should do what works for you. But remember! Sleeping less only works for a short time, and having good quality sleep is of paramount importance for your long-term lifespan, well-being, and success in life.

We know that we didn't get into any details about sleep, but there is already so much content out there. We just wanted to share the paramount importance of sleep in our lives and the role it plays in our success or lack of it.

AD: This is a video that is coming out of our pockets. Alike and subscribe can go a long way for us. Also, be sure to check the links we have provided below from some of our online shops. MySkyPet is a place designed for pet lovers, and Elon Reeves Arts is for Success, motivation, and sports. We have some amazing things that you might enjoy. After that self-promotion,

Thank you for watching!

And until next time,

Keep on Rising.

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And Until Next Time,

Keep on Rising,

* @skyboy46 & @skyboy46_ on all Social Media


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A Day In The Week

"A Day In The Life" - Poetry of Love & Life

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