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Writer's pictureSkyboy46

Mid-Summer Realization: Life Is Too Short - Embrace Every Moment / Life Stories 9

Quotes & Photos of the Week

Endless Pursuit: Whether you have $40,000 or $40 million, many of us will always want three times what we currently have. This perpetual desire can lead to unhappiness and a never-ending chase for more. Remember Your Why: Reflect on why you started your journey. Often, it’s about achieving freedom and having time for yourself. Value Your Time: Working endlessly for more money is rarely worth it. Ask yourself if what you're doing today is worth your limited time on Earth.

#9 "Life Stories" – Mid-Summer Life Is Too Short Realization! FULL TEXT CAN BE LISTENED TO IN THE VIDEO BELOW

Hello, in the middle of this hot August day. We hope you are enjoying the long summer days under the bright blue skies.

The time when the spirits are high, the soul is young, the desires are at their peak, and enjoying life is full of evergreen moments.

In the words of Eleanor Roosevelt:

"The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experiences."

Today's "Life Story" will be a little bit different. We didn't plan for a video in August until we found mid-summer-realization-life-is-too-short-embrace-every-moment-life-stories-9a recipe for improvement, but we felt something. We felt the joy of being alive, the sun's warmth on our skin, the blessing of being alive at 30 years old, and the absence of drama in life.

Something magical happens once you get out of your 20s and step into your 30s. We learn a life lesson that made us feel so big, yet so small. Important and yet insignificant.

As we walked and watched the people around us, we realized how many sad people they were and, at the same time, how many happy they were. It was the same environment, but different conditions for each individual and definitely different mindsets.

Something clicked at us as we saw an elderly woman in a wheelchair passing by and, a bit later on, a young person, also in a wheelchair.

Life is short! In fact, life is too short!

We didn't want 30 years to pass and for us to be in that position, and if we were, we didn't want to have any regrets.

And this is when we decided to make a long 2-part video about 20 things people learn too late in life and regret later.

We have started working on that video, and if you don't want to miss it, be sure to subscribe and click the notification bell. It should be live by the first Sunday of September.

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.

Don't exist.


Get out, explore.


Challenge authority. Challenge yourself.


Change forever.

Thank you for giving us some of your time on this summer day.

If you liked this video, a like would mean a lot to us.

And we also have some fantastic tees for this hot summer: It is called My Sky Pet, and it is designed for pet lovers and introverted souls. Links are in the description.

Thank you for watching.

And until next time,

Keep on Rising. & Designed For Pet Lovers & Introverted Souls & Sport, Hobbies, Motivation, Music & Art


SPONSOR - MySkyPet & ElonReevesArts (Links Below)

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Thank you for your attention.

And Until Next Time,

Keep on Rising,

* @skyboy46 & @skyboy46_ on all Social Media



Poems "A Day In The Week" Skyboy46 aka Elon Reeves
A Day In The Week

"A Day In The Life" - Poetry of Love & Life

Full eBook with all 30 Poems Available on Amazon

Also available as PDF on MySkyPet & ElonReevesArts on ETSY


ElonReevesArts - Designs for Motivation, Hobby, Sports & Music


MySkyPet -Designed for Pet Lovers


NFT's on OpenSea

MySkyCat - Collection of 10,000 uniquely generated NFTs.

Skyboy46 - Collections of NFTs by Skyboy46



Still I Rise by Skyboy46 - Available on ElonReevesArts

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